Friday, January 14, 2011

52 Weeks of Zombie Carnage Movie Reviews: Residen Evil: Apocalypse

This fine movie picks up where the first one left off.  Alice awakes in the Raccoon City Hospital and mayhem has ensued.  The good old Umbrella Corporation has re-opened the hive and allowed the T-Virus to make it out.  The city is completely locked down but the creator of the T-virus can't leave without his daughter.  He recruits a group of stranded military and Alice along with a couple of civilians to find his daughter, promising them a way out of the city.

With the undead roaming the city in search of a meal of the living it is hard going.  There are some of the genetically engineered monstrosities roaming about as well.  The group fights their way to the school with the girl and encounter the vicious dogs and a bunch of flesh eating kiddos.  They fight their way back to the waiting helicopter and of course there is an ambush.

Alice kicks ass as usual and they escape the bomb that is meant to hide all of the evidence.  There is plenty left unanswered for the next movie.  I liked this one pretty well, though it wasn't the best of them.  This movie is based on the Capcom Video game Resident Evil and it definitely has a feel of playing it on Play Station or some other game console.  In this instance the game was better than the movie.  The special effects were good and who doesn't like looking at Alice?

Next week we will continue the epic series.  More zombie flesh eaters to come.  I didn't have time to post much this week but perhaps next week will will add some of the ideas that the readers came up with for the during the week blogs.  Got a suggestion?  Send an email to or leave a comment here.  Love to hear what you think and ideas and comments and whatever.  Stay strong and avoid all those zombies!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

52 Weeks Later: Zombie Movies Review. What would you like to see reviewed?

Tomorrow the first review comes out.  I reviewed Resident Evil because of the DVD release of Resident Evil: Afterlife coming out recently.  And yes, once I start a series I will review all in that series if I can.  However, I was thinking that maybe if the movies are over a year old they will not be the Friday feature.

I really would like to hear your thoughts on this.  Since I am not the reader, I have no idea what you want.  So, send me an email to or post a comment here.  I am always to new ideas.  I also would like to know what you'd like to see on days that I am not posting a review.  I am going to post all reviews on Fridays so, there are plenty of days for other topics.  Just let me know.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Zombie Movie Review: Resident Evil

Welcome to the first installment of the Resident Evil movie series. The movie came out in 2002 and was an instant hit by not only gamers but zombie fans in general.  Based off of the very popular 1996 Capcom video game, the movie is written and directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and stars Milla Jovovich as Alice.

Here's the plot:  The Umbrella Corporation, a huge corporation that has there hands in just about every market from home products to bio-weapons, has been infiltrated and the T-virus has been stolen.  In the theft the virus is introduced into the underground facility called "the Hive."  The computer system sees the threat of infection and closes down the entire facility killing everyone inside.  The only problem is that the workers didn't stay dead. Of course, the Umbrella Corporation wants to know what happened and decide to reopen the Hive and figure out what happened.  Let the carnage begin!

This is not your typical zombie movie.  Sure the dead arise to eat the flesh of the living because of a mutated virus, but there are other creatures involved as well.  Apparently dogs are infected as easily as humans, though they look a lot rougher, probably because they chewed their way out of their cages and ripped their flesh up pretty bad in the process.  There are also the bio-engineered creatures that the Umbrella Corporation made during their experimentation using the T-virus that used to be human.  These seem more part of the video game influence, which is fine since Resident Evil is based off of a video game.

One of the great elements of this movie is the fact that the group is trapped underground.  There is always a feel of claustrophobia throughout the entire movie.  Even if you can keep from being eaten by zombies where are you going to go?  I really enjoyed watching the movie.  I have seen it about 5 or 6 times and it never ceases to entertain me.

Join us next week when we continue the Resident Evil saga review with Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the second installment of the 4 1/2 movie strong franchise.  If you have a movie that you would like to suggest to me please feel free to leave a comment or email me at I love to answer questions too so send them my way.
